Doha Montessori shop was established in January 2020 to fill the Montessori gap in the doha market. It is the first online shop in Qatar providing the preschools in Qatar with a dedicated place for Montessori learning equipment as well as resources catered to the doha market. Qatar is a growing economy where the expats and locals are looking for Montessori educational resources for their young learners and Doha Montessori Shop provides you exactly that.
Doha Montessori Shop will provide businesses in doha such as nurseries, kindergartens as well as early years schooling a place to purchase Montessori educational material which is made using good quality wood at affordable prices.
Doha Montessori Shop is also working inline with an Irish trained Montessori educator in order to provide Doha mums with advice and guidance on how they can instil The Montessori Education method in their personal environments. Maria Montessori has left a legacy gift of a truly hands-on educational system that allows the children to grow at their own pace. Below are recommended books by our Montessori trained educator which would be a good start in understanding the Montessori method. These books can be ordered online or could be available at The Qatar National Library.

A few Montessori concepts that you can start at home for children aged between 3-6 years
- Allow the children to make a choice in the less important matters such as allowing them to choose their own clothes at home.
- Children at this age learn more through observation than communication; show them first and they will follow. However, this requires consistency. For example, when you come home put your shoes in the correct place and show them or when tidying the toys ask them to help you. Eventually they will understand.
- Provide them with tasks such as pouring water from a jug or helping you at the supermarket. This will make them aware of responsibilities and independent.
- Listen to what they have to say and engage in discussions; communication should be beyond ‘Go take shower, come for dinner, please clean up’.
- Rotate the toys and books around instead of stacking them all in one place.